Dip. in Dermatology (St.john. Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas's Hospitals, University of London)
Fellow in Dermatology, jackson Memorial Hospital(University of Miami school of medicine, USA)
Director:AIC, Aesthetic Innovation Center, Bangkok. Asia Pacific Foreign Directot, Korean Society of Aesthet-ics, Cosmetic surgery and Wellbeing.(2012-2013)
Intermational Director, Korean Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Society.(KASLS) (April 2013-Mar 2014)
The pioneer doctor in Korean Absorbable Thread Lifting of Thailand.
The pioneer doctor in introducing blunt tipped cannula for Ha filler injection in Thailand.
Master trainer for fill injection with blunt cannula, for Galdema in South East Asia.
Author of the pocket book:The Miracle of Filler and Thread Lift.
invited Beauty Guru for many beauty-fashion maga-zines and TV show.